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Normalize and Convert to WEBP

Why Normalize an Image?

Example Image of Normalize Filter Tool


When processing images from different sources or under various lighting conditions, inconsistency can arise. Normalizing images helps standardize them, which improves the reliability of any subsequent analysis.

Improved Accuracy

By reducing the impact of varying intensity ranges, image normalization improves the accuracy of image analysis techniques, such as object detection and segmentation.

Medical Imaging

In medical imaging, image normalization is crucial for accurate diagnosis. For instance, in MRI scans, normalization helps to reduce the impact of varying intensity ranges, allowing for more accurate segmentation of tumors.

Configure the form below and click Normalize and Convert to WEBP
Format Options

webp Logo



Range (0-100)

Compression Level

Higher values give better quality for a given size at the cost of increased encoding time






Adds a piece of text to the filename before the period (.)

Meta Data

Remove All

What is the difference between image normalization and image standardization?

Image normalization adjusts the intensity values of an image to a common scale, while image standardization subtracts the mean intensity value from each pixel and then divides by the standard deviation.